Harry Potter Crossword Puzzle


  • 3. Harry's best friend
  • 5. Dark wizard antagonist
  • 8. The platform to catch the train
  • 9. Hagrid's pet dragon
  • 13. Harry's aunt and uncle
  • 14. The beast that guards the wizard bank


  • 1. The Boy Who Lived
  • 2. A wizarding school
  • 4. Harry's loyal friend
  • 6. Potions professor
  • 7. The game played on broomsticks
  • 10. The school house of the lion
  • 11. The spell for patronus
  • 12. The magical object to store memories
  • 15. The magical item to turn invisible


3. Hermione5. Voldemort8. Nine and three-quarters9. Norbert13. Dursleys14. Gringotts


1. Harry2. Hogwarts4. Ron6. Snape7. Quidditch10. Gryffindor11. Expecto12. Pensieve15. Cloak